Awarua Whānau Services hosted a group of tamariki from Mataura for an action-packed holiday programme last week.

The programme provided a great experience for these tamariki to get out of their environment and keep out the trouble. Over the 4 days, the tamariki went to the beach, tenpin bowling, splash palace and Dolamore park where they had a waterslide, BBQ and played traditional Māori games.
One of the highlights was finding kōura (freshwater crayfish) under the rocks for kai.
The tamariki also loved learning and playing with the rakau sticks
Turoi from Mataura supported this Kaupapa as he wants to provide a better pathway for the tamariki. With his support, the tamariki were able to explore and do something new!

“This is the best holiday programme ever” was some of the feedback the team received once the week was over.
"We aim to deliver this again but introduce more traditional ways to find kai from the Whenua and Moana" John explained, who was one of the kaimahi delivering the programme.
Ka pai Awarua and a massive mihi to Michael, John, Kylie and Duane!